[Spoilers] Star Wars: Skeleton Crew | Other Media (2025)


Damn fool idealist

15 Year Compatriot!

  • Yesterday at 11:14 PM
  • #1

To keep the first post non-spoilery, that was utterly charming. Maybe the most pure fun Star Wars has been in a long time.


Damn fool idealist

15 Year Compatriot!

  • Yesterday at 11:17 PM
  • #2

The '80s Amblin influence is definitely felt here, from the Spielbergian shots to the "bikes" to the music (hats off to Mick Giacchino, son of Michael). Nick Frost's 'droid character is a great addition, evoking Long John Silver in more than a few ways. The first episode is a good table-setter -- with a fun homage to the original film -- that likeably introduces our four leads, but the second episode is a great Space Pirates of the Caribbean romp. I think I know what's going on with Jude Law's character, but it'll be fun seeing if I'm right or not. Now let's hope they can keep this up and not try to bog this down with connections to the films or other properties; it really deserves the room to be its own thing.


Polychromatic Pikathulhu

10 Year Stalwart!

  • Yesterday at 11:19 PM
  • #3

SM-33 is Ships Mate 33 in case you were wondering


Implacable Mustelid

20 Year Hero!

  • Yesterday at 11:47 PM
  • #4

DailyRich said:

Nick Frost's 'droid character is a great addition, evoking Long John Silver in more than a few ways.

Yeah, I thought he was the best bit that I wasn't expecting. The rat running in and out of his eye socket was silly and fun.

The other bit that I wasn't expecting, certainly that none of the promo bits I'd seen had given away, is that the kids' homeworld has apparently been hidden away for a long time, certainly before the Empire was ever a thing. It makes a nice wrinkle for how it is this fairly pristine space suburbia that doesn't have the beat-up look that most of the SW setting has (when it isn't spotlessly futuristic.)

DailyRich said:

I think I know what's going on with Jude Law's character, but it'll be fun seeing if I'm right or not.

I think it is pretty clearly telegraphed. And that's fine.

The kid actors were okay for the most part. The performance created for the nonhuman kid was probably the weakest overall, and that has a fair amount to do with how the effects seemed too plastic. Some ropey child acting bits here and there, but some of that (particularly for Wim and his naive ideas about things) underscored that these are kids and not kids painstakingly scripted to be adults' ideal nostalgia identification figures. Overall I think I prefer that to things like the absurdly precocious Kid Leia from the Kenobi series.

I was profoundly amused by the kids trying to do the PotC-esque "have the rat fetch the keys" bit and having it just run off because, duh, it's a rat. Again, you see that coming all the way but it pays off perfectly.



Active member

15 Year Compatriot!

  • Today at 12:45 AM
  • #5

At Attin being some hidden planet that somehow survived the fall of the republic is interesting. I figured the ship would be the source of the treasure/'republic credits', but having them minted on planet is a twist. It'll be interesting to see where that's going. Also, how the ship wound up there to begin with. Given that SM-33 didn't know, I'd guess they wound up/crashed there after it had disappeared.

I'm really wondering about those Jedi figures Wim was playing with, & what was depicted on his datapad. My first assumption was Luke & Vader/the Emperor, but it seems that At Attin likely isn't even aware of the New Republic, and possibly not even the Empire either, if only because I think the Empire would be some serious effort into a planet vanishing. I wonder how long ago did the planet vanish into legend. I'd guess some time during the Clone Wars, but I suppose it's possible it was even before that.

DailyRich said:

I think I know what's going on with Jude Law's character, but it'll be fun seeing if I'm right or not.

I came into an immedate assumption about Jude Law's character, and that was only reinforced by what we saw in the second episode. If that's not the case, they're working really hard to misdirect the audience. Him actually being able to sense the Force is interesting. I think his age would be about right for someone that was a Padawan before the fall of the Republic.

Garyfury said:

Some ropey child acting bits here and there, but some of that (particularly for Wim and his naive ideas about things) underscored that these are kids and not kids painstakingly scripted to be adults' ideal nostalgia identification figures.

Wim's home life, especially compared to Neel's, really seems to speak for his actions while exploring the ship.


Active member

10 Year Stalwart!

  • Today at 1:16 AM
  • #6

-That opening pirate attack was pretty cool. These guys aren't playing around.
-I do wonder why the freighter crew fought so hard if it turned out they didn't have any cargo to defend.
-Interesting mystery with At Attin, I am curious to see where they go with that. Especially with SM-33 not knowing of it despite being there...though that admittedly could just be damage.
-The barrier didn't seem to slow the ship down, so maybe more a way to hide the planet?
-Charming cast, though KB could use some focus.
-SM-33 is pretty cool. It feels like old droids in star wars do better than new ones.
-Also, I really wonder if he is from some predecessor model of the KX series.
-The asteroid pirate port they went to is the same one from the Young Jedi Knights book, very neat connection.https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Borgo_Prime/Legends


Momentary Lapse of Reason

Validated User

  • Today at 1:44 AM
  • #7

dmjalund said:

SM-33 is Ships Mate 33 in case you were wondering

I figured it was an easter egg for Smee, from Peter Pan.


Polychromatic Pikathulhu

10 Year Stalwart!

  • Today at 1:46 AM
  • #8

Dromio said:

I figured it was an easter egg for Smee, from Peter Pan.

probably right, but they have very different energy


tasti man LH

Validated User

Validated User

  • Today at 4:26 AM
  • #9

Ooooh that’s delightful!

While you could interpret it as being a little bit forced…there’s something heartwarming that kids in SW also think that Jedi are the coolest thing ever.

And yeah, the true nature of At Attin is certainly curious. More importantly, why did an Old Republic Era planet disappear from the galaxy to begin with? Since thinking about it more, there was an undercurrent of At Attin having an…authoritarian bent to it.

Kevin Mowery


20 Year Hero!

  • 7 minutes ago
  • #10

tasti man LH said:

Ooooh that’s delightful!

While you could interpret it as being a little bit forced…there’s something heartwarming that kids in SW also think that Jedi are the coolest thing ever.

And yeah, the true nature of At Attin is certainly curious. More importantly, why did an Old Republic Era planet disappear from the galaxy to begin with? Since thinking about it more, there was an undercurrent of At Attin having an…authoritarian bent to it.

It might just be my feelings about suburbia in general, but At Attin seems to be a planet of stifling conformity. If you're in the wrong place, or out at the wrong time, the safety droids will find you and report you. When you're ten or twelve or however old these kids are supposed to be you take some sort of assessment test that determines your future and that you can pass or fail.

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[Spoilers] Star Wars: Skeleton Crew | Other Media (2025)
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